Beautiful Dissonance.

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Live a melody

July 11, 2007

jesus loves the little children

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world...

(the rest of this song is not politically correct haha)

Today a 3-month old baby came in, white, cold, clammy. His heart had stopped beating for who knows how long before he was discovered and brought in, his eyes were open and just stared blankly and lifelessly. For 13 minutes our team of doctors and nurses tried everything we could to resuscitate the babe, but his heart just wouldn't get going again. We ended the code today at 13:40, and I hope that little babe is with Jesus now.

A part of me always wonders what happens to these precious little children whose lives were so brief. But the same part of me is also confident they are with Jesus. I always get a big lump in my throat watching little ones pass on. My heart aches.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." -Mark 10.14


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